basics: note on & note off
In MIDI systems, the activation of a particular note
and the release of the same note are considered as two separate
events. When a key is pressed on a MIDI keyboard instrument or MIDI
keyboard controller, the keyboard sends a Note On message on the
MIDI OUT port. The keyboard may be set to transmit on any one of
the sixteen logical MIDI channels, and the status byte for the Note
On message will indicate the selected channel number. The Note
On status byte is followed by two data bytes, which specify
key number (indicating which key was pressed) and velocity (how
hard the key was pressed). The key number is used in the receiving
synthesizer to select which note should be played, and the velocity
is normally used to control the amplitude of the note.
the key is released, the keyboard instrument or controller will send
a Note Off message. The Note Off message also includes
data bytes for the key number and for the velocity with which the
key was released. The Note Off velocity information is normally ignored.
